about us

We developed the idea of this website during a decolonial seminar at the Political Science Department of the Free University Berlin in 2016.* Inspired by the discussions in the course, many students wrote essays, made films and video-clips, radio podcasts, wrote theater plays, and other artistic productions. Rethinking different themes such as class, race, the colonial archive, the use of language, epistemological violence, technologies of power, neoliberal urbanism, neocolonial economic structures, and the use of alternative methodologies, we have established new ways of knowing, perceiving, and producing.

While such knowledge produced by students often remains ignored and set aside, the aim was to bring students together and create a space where they can read each other’s works, take each other seriously, and refer to each other. At the same time and in the face of different decolonization projects and movements around the world, we wanted to make the works accessible for other students and people outside the university, hoping that others may become motivated to share their own creative productions or engage in other ways to enhance a collective learning process, as well as to form new political projects and networks.

The main question was, how can we truly engage with our political, social, and economical reality? Can we address the links between colonialism and capitalism and begin to imagine our future differently?

We are hoping for this website to grow by connecting ideas and intervening in normalized structures of oppression that have been constructed historically. If you have an essay to share, a video to show, a poem to present or any other project that might fit on this webpage, please contact us.


*Introduction into Postcolonial Theory and Critique (Sara Dehkordi)