There is already a lot of existing knowledge that we would like to point to in this incomplete list.
Es gibt bereits viel Wissen, auf das wir in dieser unvollständigen Liste hinweisen wollen.
Adefra Schwarze Frauen in Deutschland (
AfricAvenir Pan-African organization founded by Prince Kum’a Ndumbe III in Cameroon. They have an office in Berlin where they invite African writers, singers, politicians, filmmakers for different kinds of events and do other political work. And an extensive online archive.(
allebleiben Organisation für das Bleiberecht für Roma und Romnja (
berlin postkolonial An organization doing critical work about German colonial history on a regional and global level in connection to contemporary racism, since 2007 in Berlin and Brandenburg (
Black lifes matter Berlin (
Black Dissidents (
burningmuseum A collaborative interdisciplinary collective rooted in Cape Town, South Africa (
decoloniality Europe is a network to connect scholars and activists working on decolonizing Europe, the organization is set together out of various projects (
Deutsche Asiaten make noise DAMN Blog (
glokal e.V. An organization from Berlin which f.e. produces anti-racist and critical material for educational purposes (
Initiative Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland An organization of black people for black people in Germany (
International Women Space A Berlin-based feminist political group of migrant and refugee women, and women without this experience, who are active in the fight against racism, sexism and other intersecting power structures (
I,Slam Poetry Slam muslimischer Künstler_innen (
KOP Kampagne für Opfer rassistischer Polizeigewalt (
manufacturing race Website made by students of the Freie Universität Berlin. Information about German colonial history in general and in the context of the FU buildings. languages: English, Deutsch (
Neue deutsche Medienmacher Unser Netzwerk versteht sich als Interessenvertretung für Medienschaffende mit Migrationsgeschichte und tritt für eine ausgewogene Berichterstattung ein, die das Einwanderungsland Deutschland adäquat wiedergibt. (
Nhi Le Bloggerin (
NSU Watch (
People of Color in European Art History (
Rhodes must fall
Tribunal NSU-Komplex auflösen (
Fees must fall
Schwarzer Mob Schwarze mediawatch Organisation mit einem Archiv über Sprache, Rassismus, Kolonialismus, Schwarze deutsche Geschichte und anderes (
stop blackface A website about the racist practice of blackfacing with a special focus on the Netherlands:
Tokolosstencils (
Women in Exile ist eine Initiative von Flüchtlingsfrauen, die sich 2002 in Brandenburg zusammen gefunden haben, um für ihre Rechte zu kämpfen. (
Xcollective is a creative incubator for collaborative multi-disciplinary projects by visual-artists, writers, filmmakers and performers who are exploring issues of dispossession, trauma, memory and resistance through their work. (
Watch List
Afro.Deutschland – Wie Schwarze Menschen ihre deutsche Heimat erleben (
Strolling An online documentary series by the director Cecile Emeke from London, who films People of Color all around the world documenting their views and experiences ( and
The Price of Memory directed by Karen Marks Mafundikwa. The film explores the impact of slavery on independent Jamaica, following the filmmaker on a journey, during which the question of reparations reaches Parliament in both Jamaica and the UK (